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Harness the creative power of your voice with the practice of mantra on the path of bhakti yoga 

Reconnect to your voice as a direct creative channel of One Consciousness

Immerse into holistic journey of tuning into your physical well-being, experiencing emotional release and establishing a spiritual connection through the vibrational medicine of sang prayer. 


Allow me to hold a safe space for you and guide you in discovering profoundly healing and creative properties of your own voice through the practice of mantra yoga.

Realize vibrational nature of all matter and tune your whole being into coherence

Welcome to Soma Sound School!

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Welcome, friend! I’m Soma. 

My name holds for me a vibration of healing elixir - the nectar of the inner connection. Do you know that each name and each shape is a vibrational wave in one interconnected field of Life?


I’m grateful for your interest in the mystery of sound and I know you are here for a reason. To listen deeply and remember your Source, to embody your truth and to sing your way to a sound mind and heart. 


I’m a singer, yogini and a sound medicine guide. From classical music background to deeply devotional singing as a meditation through my years in India, from therapeutical somatic release through sound to a song as a prayer within shamanic traditions - my whole journey has prepared me to work with you in awakening of your voice. 


Your voice, your truth and your ability to be in resonance with life is so needed at this time of change. Let your voice be heard.

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Welcome to the journey where you will: 

Practically learn to regulate your nervous system with breath and vibration

Play and explore therapeutical voice release techniques to help you liberate your expression and find joy of sounding freely

Lovingly create a strong technical foundation for using your voice in a more confident healthy way

Practice heart-brain coherence, a scientifically based practice found in Bhakti Yoga

Employ yoga of sound to tune physical, mental and emotional bodies into coherence

Experience your voice and throat chakra as a creative channel of One Consciousness and harness power of manifestation via your voice

Unlock Unity Consciousness through mantra meditation and align with Divine Will

Understand physics of vibrational nature of this Matrix and step into a new worldview

I offer you my signature program, drawing upon over a decade of service in the field of bhakti and mantra yoga, in private and group settings with people from all walks of life.


It feels like a wonderful treasure I am deeply grateful for.”



The healing science of mantra

“Nothing rests. Everything moves. Everything vibrates.”

- The Kybalion 


Understanding of vibrational essence of all objects has been well established in Greek sciences and then rediscovered by modern science in 19th century.

"Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.”

- Albert Einstein

In the late 20th century, scientists confirmed that we’re bathed in a field of energy that connects us all with the events of our world. This field, force or presence has been given many names - Quantum Hologram, Unity Field or even Mind of God. Max Planck, the father of quantum physics stated: “We must assume behind this force the  existence of a conscious and intelligent mind."


The key of interacting with this Field is within our abilities to become the qualities we wish to experience. Rather then project a desire into the future, we embody in the now our deepest truth through the vibration of our feelings. It is the very quality of feeling that does, in fact, “speak” to the field that connects us.

Program Enrolment options

Join my upcoming online course, starting March 25

A 6 weeks immersive journey designed to support you in revealing your natural voice and establishing a foundation for your mantra yoga practice


Weekly calls & recording

6 weekly calls for live group practise and Q & A

Online Portal

Online portal to access course recordings and resources

Video Tutorials

Recorded voice revealing exercises and mantras to sing along

Whatsapp Group

Whatsapp group for communicatoin and support between sessions

1 Individual session

Receive a private one hour video call with Soma

Mantra technology

Receive life changing voice activation practises through bhakti yoga

Group Course Enrolment

enrolment here

Register here via paypal before 24/02/25 and receive an early bird price of 369€ price will go up to 450€

Want to work with me one to one? Book a call here.

More about Soma

Hello dreamer! I’m Soma, a musician, yogini and a sound medicine guide and I warmly welcome you to this space of vibrational attunement and coherence through the practice of voice revealing and nada yoga.

My passion for healing properties of voice and sound has found it’s expression in creating spaces for people to experience the awesome power within their own voice. I facilitate safe spaces and processes of revealing your natural voice through practices of Nada and Bhakti yoga - the yoga of sound within the path of the heart. 


My musical journey started in Russia, Saint-Petersburg, as a child who felt deeply inspired by music, singing in choir, playing instruments and later on performing as a classical singer.  Having received my high education in music, I faced a difficult crossroads. I felt that the world of classical music has given me a lot but at the same time my initial creative energy has subsided due to a highly competitive environment if I were to follow a career as an academical singer. I know that many of you had faced similar choices of trying to reconcile the call of your soul with the demands of the modern world of competitive scarcity based beliefs.


 So, I followed my deeper longing to be with a spiritual teacher and deeply devote my time to meditation. I consider living and working five years within a community of meditators my real University. Practicing atma-vicharya, the method of self-inquiry as had been transmitted through the lineage of Shri Ramana Maharshi, a realization of the empty luminous nature of the mind and silence as a source of all manifestation - had become a true foundation for all the devotional and singing practices in my life and with my students.


There in India with that community I fell in love with Bhakti Yoga tradition, experiencing how healing and powerful singing together in groups with a heart-based intention can be. I have certified as a yoga instructor in Hatha and Yin yoga, and as a Jivamukti Yoga Teacher for Spiritual Warrior. I’ve continued my education in yoga with YogaFlow school of Saint-Petersburg and I have completed trainings in energetic mastery with Alchemy of Consciousness School of Artor Azarov.


I began working regularly in personal and group settings in 2015, integrating singing, the path of Bhakti yoga and modern research on healing properties of heart-based singing such as Polyvagal Theory and Heart-Brain coherence peer reviewed studies.


This ongoing journey and my background have truly prepared me to support you in your transformational journey for revealing your voice as a way to activate the Creator within, to connect to the guidance of your heart and express the song of your heart in your everyday life. With me you can experience coherence between mental, emotional and physical levels of your being, exercising your power to sustain a healthy vibration for your life, from regulating the state of your nervous system to truly letting out the creative force within you to align your life to the path of your heart.

I invite you to come meet me on this journey and let me guide you into the sanctuary of your heart where your song is pure and deeply creative. 


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